ERP software interface design

What is ERP – Before the Project Starts

You are a senior executive in a company that is going to implement an ERP for the first time. You don’t have experience with this kind of project. So what should you be planning and doing, when, and who will be involved? In our series on What is...

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man wearing an apron

How the Food and Beverage Industry can Transform Itself for the...

Since the first quarter of 2020, there have been more black swan events than could ever have been expected. First, of course, was the Coronavirus pandemic, then the Texas winter storm, and finally, a ship that blocked the Suez Canal for six days....

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visual representation of cloud computing

The Cloud for Manufacturers and Distributors

As a decision-maker in a manufacturing or distribution-oriented company, you no doubt have seen or heard discussions about cloud computing. You may have been considering it but don’t have enough information to feel confident to move ahead with the...

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tractor featuring the words smart farming

Manufacturers’ IT Ambitions, and How SYSPRO’s ISV Extended Solutions Can Help...

What do manufacturers and distributors want from their ERP system? The answers, according to a recent survey to our customers, include warehouse management, automation, and business intelligence. Warehouse management The COVID-19 pandemic has...

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A visual representation of smart devices and networks

How Automation Can Activate Your Digital Transformation Journey

During the pandemic, many industry players were caught off guard by inefficient business systems and manual processes. As workforces are being transformed, many manufacturers and distributors have started to see the true benefits of process...

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A person is arranging wooden blocks on a desk

Building a Case for Industry 4.0

It was Robert Shiller, a Yale University Professor of Economics and Nobel laureate who famously said “You cannot wait until a house burns down to buy fire insurance on it. We cannot wait until there are massive dislocations in our society to...

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